Center Introduction A Cradle to Advance Toward the Global Korean Demand Company, KRIC
2019 Korea-Russia Technology Cooperation Project on-site evaluation
2019-10-30 00:00Хиты
234Korea-Russia Innovation Center’s 2019 Korea-Russia Technology Cooperation Project on-site evaluation will be held as follows. We ask for the interest and cooperation of participating companies.
□ Evaluation purpose
ㅇ Inspection of project progress and collecting difficulties and suggestions of companies to generate tangible performance of Korea-Russia technology cooperation
□ Evaluation subject
ㅇ 11 companies participating in the 2019 Korea-Russia Technology Cooperation Project
□ Evaluation schedule
ㅇ (Schedule) '19. 11. 04 (Mon) ~ 07 (Thu), 11 (Mon)
ㅇ (Location) Office (meeting room) of participating companies